Jamnagar, The Gujarat

Just moved a bit further down the line and this town is even quieter than the last, with the obvious exception of the traffic which is the same volume wherever you go.  It’s got some nice old buildings like a place in the middle of a lake and huge town gates with big spikes sticking out of them apparently to stop the enemy sending drunken elephants to smash them in.  That must have taken a few pints, though you do get pissed quicker drinking though a straw.

I spent most of my time strolling aimlessly about looking for things to do, which were few and far between.  Met lots of friendly people, seems the less there is to do the more friendly people are.  People would just pull up next to me on their motorbikes and give me a high speed tour of the city sights. One guy even took me to see his mum at work in the council office, not sure why, she didn’t speak english.   There was a really nice vegetable market hidden behind high circular walls so I went and passed a few hours with the grocers.  A friendly bunch, they bought me never ending cups of tea and fed me lots of strange looking vegetables, which can be amusing in any language.

That evening I turned on the TV and the headline news was that my street was flooded, despite me having walked down it in the dry just an hour ago.  Move fast these newsmen, weren’t wrong though.  Luckily it had all drained off by morning so I could escape to somewhere a bit more happening.

Thats all for now kids,

Monsoon Morley

About Raj-Mahaly

Off for a bimble round the sub-continent, see you next year!
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